Bible Study
Sunday School
Hour-long Sunday morning Sunday School classes are provided for children age 3 through High School at Our Savior Lutheran School from 9:40 am to 10:40 am. These classes are offered at the same time as Adult Bible Study.
Adult Bible Study
A hour-long Sunday morning Adult Bible Study is provided at Our Savior Lutheran School from 9:40 am to 10:40 am. This class is offered at the same time as Sunday School.
Vacation Bible School
VBS is offered each summer, usually in July. Typically, VBS is a week-long program of classes and outdoor activities for children age 3 through youth entering the sixth grade. Sessions are held in the evening from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at Our Savior Lutheran School.
Please contact Pastor David Fleming at 616.949.0710 for information about the upcoming VBS program.
Women’s Bible Study
The women’s Bible study group meets each Thursday morning at 9:30 am at the Church. Contact Norma Carey for more information about this bible study group.
Men’s Bible Study
Pastor Fleming leads a men’s Bible study that meets each Wednesday morning from 6:30 am to 7:30 am at the Church. A light breakfast is provided by the study group’s members.
Adult Catechism Class
Pastor Fleming leads an adult Lutheran catechism class at selected times throughout the year. Please contact the Church office at 616.949.0710 for information about the class schedule.
Junior High Catechism Class
Pastor Fleming leads two Junior High Catechism classes, one at Church and the second at Our Savior Lutheran School at selected times throughout the year. Please contact the Church office at 616.949.0710 for information about the two class schedules.